Conversation Starters

Sometimes it may be difficult to strike up a conversation with a senior. Here are some funny, quick ideas to keep the conversations going.

Reminiscing Is Always Fun
Look at old pictures, newspapers, or photo albums to help with this conversation.
• Where did you live/work when you were younger?
• How did you meet your significant other?
• What is your best memory as a parent or grandparent?
• What is a lesson you learned that you want to share with others?

Everyone has things they enjoy. Allow seniors to share things that are important to them, music, stories, art, etc.
• What is your favorite book/movie/art?
• What is your favorite artist/music genre/song?
• Where would you visit again if you could?
• Favorite vacation?

Predict the Future
They have lived thru so many changes, it is fun to hear how they kept up with them, if they did. Venture into the future to think about what the world will be like in another 20 or 30 years.
• What concerns to you have for future generations?
• What piece of advice to you have?
• What predictions do you have for what the world will look like?

Things To Ponder
Some questions can really make you think. Try some tough ones.
• Who is living currently that you think will have the biggest impact on future generations?
• How do you measure success?
• What scares or excites you about the future?
• What age did you feel most motivated?

Keep It Light and Laugh A Little
Enjoy the time you have together and make some great memories. Be silly and free to express yourself.
• If you were a superhero, who would you be? Why?
• What animal would you like to be? Why?
• Share the last time you laughed so hard you cried.
• If you could have lunch with any five people, dead or alive, who would you pick?

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